Sunday, January 30, 2005


dear dude, Im so sorry my dear I was absent from you recently,my days run to dog and I dont wan't being dog woman so tried my best to survive..once!, hey dear have you hear
about "dog in the manger?" na I just found out my boss he really somebody,eewhh!, he make me sick and i used to call his names "SHARK, he always pretending to like an iron..I don't know what going on with his brain..and it's not my business!! I am hard working and pleaseant enough to get appreciate from boss but not from the honest he has nice at times in case once he locked to something freak problems and gonna ask for some solution..though may be he has own mission to force me down to listen to him,try to get my attention, wanna shock me around his dictator manner...wanna pissed me off..uh! well Im gonna tell you my dear "shark" Im really damnable bitch so you better off or I'll shit in your room very you hear eh? you better built yourself respect and I'll try my best to give you respectful..don't ever try to scare me off my dear Shark..I won't only bark out..and what you think PIRANHA vs SHARK? sound fun rite?..uum..should be great news isn't?....besides that dog shark..I was good either hang out with the GF, company yuslosavia guy browse around HK city,
done my task as well as my other boss request..not that 'shark" and had couple beer this week..I'd had glass of Stela Artois on lunch crazy..!!1 glass beer every day to help your body to prevent catch up to Flu...and Arnold Swaxxzweger..said that " life too short to enjoy all the cheap beer..isn't? I got these msg from Inside out Bar..I though there no fake about the msg...getting fat again afterwards..I'd workout once had my beer in evening....nothing special happened then..
Im not colapse in the threadmill..hahh
ahhaaa....cheers..hugs n kisses for my sweet dude

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