Friday, April 22, 2005's hot here..

"ting tong, Yoo!! it's a summer season in HK, the weather was so Oh Oh's was hot outside!!OOohh.. it's also hot here and here and here....hihihiii it's hot..uuhh..really hot either day or nite...I felt hihihiiii..when I just wonder when autum will come again..oh don't be stupid la..of course after the summer la..and then winter ma..and then spring lor..stupid destroyer...hihihiiii..oh hups!! I also Still wondering what I could possibly do to get closer to a certain person? ah yeah..if Im agree with those rules may be there's a chance la..but I don't have idea yet..but I dreaming of having that conversation we've both been putting off for what seems like years? Oh, I just tried to be brave to ring his mobile this morning but Im end up to the voice mail box..daa..I left my lovely voice msg and though It will definitely help....kweel eeh?grreerr cat almost moaning every nite before I went to sleep..sometimes it's difficult to calm her down.Im tried to play with her a while but she doesn't happy enough..pwweeh..:( though she need a company or an toy..but I also worried those toys will get injuries my lovely cat or she addicted on those stuffs..and forget another cool stuff...uppss..really hot here....hihihiihiiii..

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