Monday, December 26, 2005

It’s A Very Hot Christmas!!

It’s Hot I am a Bad Christian Girl!
This year is my second Christmas and I didn’t going to chruch, not until I feel better.
Since early November Last year, I become a Christian !! It’s kind of cool, fun and fresh on the beginning, I was kind of good on my belief and behavior too, days after days, week after week, month and years, I get bore, mope and every time I bring it out to God, I just get disapointed over and over!! The problem is He’s a Hot guy!! There’s so many things He have to done. but this’s not a reason right? He has a ability to listening my wish, fear, as He has promise but He haven’t time for me, I tried to understand, He maybe too busy, and there’s maybe appoitment needed, I did wait more and tried to talk more, but hey!! Im just a girl, how come He just put me aside! His Behavior really unacceptable, He didn’t even put on mind when I decided to leave Him, it’s so amazing when He just tune me out and give me a " don’t care glance" at all, not even I yell, I bark, I argue, then I run Him to the hell…
well, it’s not a big deal about my hell hole life style, thought heaven life rythim wasn’t my type!!
You started it and Im not going to see you again until you get your God-ass apologise to me, causing soo many unclear stuffs on my head and put me through the shitty days.
I wondering, why you can still keeping acting like a cool guy and put your child on the cruel things.!

It’s Hot, My Mom and Dad Get On Dog Fight
Yooo.. in the early morning, they are get the fire shot on each other!! Yippie! What’s grand!
It’s a Christmas, supposed merry, happy family days!!but it’s end up with those silly, madness moment!!

Dad upset and went out to his buddies!( hopes he get an great advice" how to dealing with the wife" )

Mom upset end up stay at home and ignored going to chruch!! ( I think Jesus will understand this accidently absent day )

Bro upset killing time for the football with the boys ( in the fucking big strom rain )

Sister Anna upset, get herself stuck in the salon for 6 hours for the hair rebonding… ( no buck for food, poor babe, spent all the buck, but she look cute with that new cutie look)

Sister Annie upset, get herself work on the chores like a mad maid!! ( poor babe )

Siaw Chun and Siaw Pai ( the dogs) are too upset to bark and play!!

Me..Fucked at home with above craps!! Am I upset??? I maybe yes maybe not, coz I’ve seeing many terrible thing,, I just get mad on the weather.!! What the hell going on with You God??? Whenever I’ve plans to swimm, you always put me down with the rain? Why??

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