Friday, January 26, 2007

alive and horny..

sometime I felt blessed being alive, lively and horny.. but most of the time I hate being this hopeless horny.., Gosh, This is unfair, the woman in this picture got me all envy, thought I can be her,
I have a pair of sexy black high heels..that just look exactly same to hers.. I also have that red bedsheet, exactly that kind of red, just same to hers.. but I don't have a man like hers..nah, never wanted a man like hers.. I prefer fat and loaded kind but.. soo sad.. there's nothing real.. being alive but helpless horny suck..

I wonder do dead are horny still??????
Recalls I'd spot a book called " weird book list in the world" in Admiralty Dymock book store, back to couple week ago.
I clearly remembered one of the part topic is all about dead.

its question " do dead talk?"
and the another book answer " Yes, They do talk!"
Then another book called " do yourself a cofin"!!
I was giggling like an idiot and whispering all over to my mate " Ha ha ha.. This book freaks, fuckin damn funny.... !!
She got all LOL too...
Yeaahh... I got all funny feeling by that time, I used to laugh sexual issue off and got all tickles feeling in my tummy..but I went all funny when I was the normal me, I mean normaly we will not getting horny all the times..
and when I wasn't the normal me, I went hell dealing/suffirng, strugling.. facing my nature me!! there's no funny inside me but super itchy inside me...

I just wonder if there's a book called " dead and horny".. Must fuckin interesting read then..Yawn!!


Anonymous said...

Oh Bee, when are you coming to San Francisco

@bee said...

Charming!! I have to save more, my mom coming for visit at may this year.. :(

I hope to make some dough to get my air ticket to SF :D
promise to let me share your food, drink, toilet and bed??